Herbstliche Pilz-Pasta

Autumn mushroom pasta

Flo from foodoholic_magazin created a delicious mushroom pasta variant for us with our Flor de Sal Shiitake .
Safran Muschelragout mit Stielmus-Kartoffel-Püree & Flor de Sal Safran

Saffron mussel ragout with mashed potatoes and flor de sal saffron

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
Salat von alten Tomatensorten | Burrata | Brotchips | Flor de Sal Tomate

Salad of heirloom tomato varieties | Burrata | Bread chips | Flor de Sal tomato

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
Ceviche vom norwegischen Lachs | Nussbutter | marinierte Avocado | gerösteter Mais

Norwegian salmon ceviche | Nut butter | marinated avocado | roasted corn

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
Doradenfilet unter der Oliven Kruste | Kartoffel-Pesto-Salat

Sea bream fillet under the olive crust | Potato pesto salad

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
MÜLLERS Eis-Praline

MÜLLERS ice cream praline

Yuna Edelweiss 37% Original Beans | Flor de Sal Hibiscus
Pulled Spitzkohl mit Styler Brot und Flor de Sal Smoked

Pulled pointed cabbage with Styler bread and Flor de Sal Smoked

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
Rote Bete Tatar, Ziegenfrischkäsecreme und Flor de Sal Rote Beete

Beetroot tartare, goat cream cheese cream and Flor de Sal beetroot

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.
Salat Niçoise

Salad Niçoise

Our brand ambassador Nelson Müller has created a delicious recipe for you.